The Frank Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2001 to make sure income didn't bar any students with special needs from receiving the services they need.
Families of students with special needs face additional medical expenses, supply costs, therapy fees and more. Not to mention the time and resources required to find specialized care. The scholarship is the hand up some families need to make services attainable.
The scholarship fund is reserved for families of students with special needs with additional financial need, as identified by income verification. However, it has more than monetary value. The scholarship gives families the relief and peace of mind that they can afford safe, quality care.
Give now to #ChangeTheGame for ECC families!

One thing hasn't changed since ECC was founded in 1969: students with disabilities still need adapted services to help them unlock their full potential. Public schools and typical childcares have never been able to provide highly individualized services, and the effects of the pandemic have only made this more difficult.
But students with special needs still need care and education. Where do they go when the public system can't meet their needs? These students need the Elaine Clark Center, and the Elaine Clark Center needs you.
ECC's success has always been made possible by the community around us. Our community of staff, volunteers, donors and supporters work together to make change possible, even for families who find themselves in need of financial support.
We are grateful for what we've built together through the years. We hope we can rely on you to keep offering our famiilies in need a hand up. Because your donation to the scholarship fund could change the entire game for some of our students.
Give now to #ChangeTheGame for ECC families!
Give now to #ChangeTheGame for ECC families!

Can you help us spread the word about our mission and the Frank Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund? Just share our mission with your friends and family, and send them this link! Here are just a few of the people you can ask to change the game for ECC families:
Church Friends
Social Media
Coaches (or other extracurricular leaders)
Club Members (such as book club members)
Give now to #ChangeTheGame for ECC families!