The Difference a Scholarship Can Make: Trey's Story

We found The Elaine Clark Center after operating in crisis mode for about a year. Trey was a victim of abuse, and the road to recovery for our family was not an easy path to take. After getting a full picture of Trey’s needs as a result of his TBI, we were in a position to start thinking about care for him. Thankfully my dad had made connections with Joi, and our family was referred to the center. At first it was scary to think of someone else caring for Trey- our family could barely keep up, so the thought of someone else doing it was near inconceivable. We were met with open arms at the center. The staff was kind, flexible, and willing to help. The Elaine Clark Center is the only reason that I have been able to continue working as an educator. With Trey’s many needs, the loss of my salary would have put us all in a very difficult situation. After Trey spent time at Elaine Clark Center for about two years, we decided it was time to transition him into the public school system. Then…. COVID. We were lucky enough to find a daycare near our home that was willing and able to provide care for him throughout the pandemic when my husband and I returned to work in brick and mortar and we waited for public schools to return to in-person learning.
Once Trey returned to his public school, the bus was able to transport him to daycare after school. For about a year and a half, this worked, but as we know, all good things come to an end. We, again, found ourselves in a position where we did not have the necessary care for Trey that would allow both my husband and I to keep working. On a random Tuesday, I called the center and simply said, “I need help.” Two weeks later we were touring the center and talking to Beth and Joi about the cost for two of our three children to attend. When Beth informed my husband and I that Trey could attend with a scholarship, we both cried. It was an unexpected blessing that made all the difference in our lives. By the time we left that day, Trey and his younger sister, Rachel Grace, were scheduled to start in January.

The scholarship that Trey receives is the only reason that we are able to be a part of this beautiful community. Without it, our family would be forced to make some very tough changes; we are so fortunate and grateful. The Elaine Clark Center is our saving grace. The people at the center humble me when I witness how loving and willing they are in their care for all the students at the school. To our family, the Elaine Clark Center is a Godsend. We have such peace of mind knowing that two of our three kids are cared for, loved on, and pushed to learn each and every day. Words are not adequate enough to express how thankful we are for this place!
-Kelly & Jeff Kinne